Unvibe: Generate code that passes Unit-Tests

Posted on 13 Mar 2025 by Claudio Santini


A different way to generate code with LLMs

In my daily work as consultant, I'm often dealing with large pre-exising code bases.

I use GitHub Copilot a lot. It's now basically indispensable, but I use it mostly for generating boilerplate code, or figuring out how to use a library. As the code gets more logically nested though, Copilot crumbles under the weight of complexity. It doesn't know how things should fit together in the project.

Other AI tools like Cursor or Devon, are pretty good at generating quickly working prototypes, but they are not great at dealing with large existing codebases, and they have a very low success rate for my kind of daily work. You find yourself in an endless loop of prompt tweaking, and at that point, I'd rather write the code myself with the occasional help of Copilot.

Professional coders know what code they want, we can define it with unit-tests, we don't want to endlessly tweak the prompt. Also, we want it to work in the larger context of the project, not just in isolation.

In this article I am going to introduce a pretty new approach (at least in literature), and a Python library that implements it: a tool that generates code from unit-tests.

My basic intuition was this: shouldn't we be able to drastically speed up the generation of valid programs, while ensuring correctness, by using unit-tests as reward function for a search in the space of possible programs?

I looked in the academic literature, it's not new: it's reminiscent of the approach used in DeepMind FunSearch, AlphaProof, AlphaGeometry and other experiments like TiCoder: see Research Chapter for pointers to relevant papers. Writing correct code is akin to solving a mathematical theorem. We are basically proving a theorem using Python unit-tests instead of Lean or Coq as an evaluator.

For people that are not familiar with Test-Driven development, read here about TDD and Unit-Tests.


How it works

I've implemented this idea in a Python library called Unvibe. It implements a variant of Monte Carlo Tree Search that invokes an LLM to generate code for the functions and classes in your code that you have decorated with @ai.

Unvibe supports most of the popular LLMs: Ollama, OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, DeepSeek.

Unvibe uses the LLM to generate a few alternatives, and runs your unit-tests as a test runner (like pytest or unittest). It then feeds back the errors returned by failing unit-test to the LLMs, in a loop that maximizes the number of unit-test assertions passed. This is done in a sort of tree search, that tries to balance exploitation and exploration.

As explained in the DeepMind FunSearch paper, having a rich score function is key for the success of the approach: You can define your tests by inherting the usual unittests.TestCase class, but if you use unvibe.TestCase instead you get a more precise scoring function (basically we count up the number of assertions passed rather than just the number of tests passed).

It turns out that this approach works very well in practice, even in large existing code bases, provided that the project is decently unit-tested. This is now part of my daily workflow:

  1. Use Copilot to generate boilerplate code

  2. Define the complicated functions/classes I know Copilot can't handle

  3. Define unit-tests for those complicated functions/classes (quick-typing with GitHub Copilot)

  4. Use Unvibe to generate valid code that pass those unit-tests

It also happens quite often that Unvibe find solutions that pass most of the tests but not 100%: often it turns out some of my unit-tests were misconceived, and it helps figure out what I really wanted.

Example: how to use unvibe

  1. pip install unvibe
  2. Decorate the functions/classes you want to generate with @ai. Type annotations and proper comments will help the LLM figure out what you want. For example
# list.py
from unvibe import ai

def lisp(expr: str):
    """A simple lisp interpreter implemented in plain Python"""

Now let's define a few unit-tests to specify the behavior of the function. Here Copilot can help us come up quickly with a few test cases. As you can see, we are looking to implement a Lisp interpreter that supports basic python functions (e.g. range) and returns python-compatible lists.

This simple Lisp interpreter is a good example because it's the sort of function that LLMs (even reasoning models) cannot generate from scratch, but they can get there with Unvibe:

# test_lisp.py
import unvibe
from lisp import lisp

# Here you can instead inherit unvibe.TestCase, to get a more granular scoring function
class LispInterpreterTestClass(unvibe.TestCase):
    def test_calculator(self):
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(+ 1 2)"), 3)
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(* 2 3)"), 6)

    def test_nested(self):
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(* 2 (+ 1 2))"), 6)
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(* (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))"), 21)

    def test_list(self):
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(list 1 2 3)"), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_call_python_functions(self):
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(list (range 3)"), [0, 1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(lisp("(sum (list 1 2 3)"), 6)

3) Now run unvibe and let it search for a valid implementation that passes all the tests:

$ python -m unvibe lisp.py test_lisp.py

Unvibe will run until it reaches a maximum number of iterations or until it finds a solution that passes all the tests, in which case it will stop early. The output will be written to a local file unvibe_lisp_<timestamp>.py:

# Unvibe Execution output.
# This implementation passed all tests
# Score: 1.0
# Passed assertions: 7/7 

def lisp(exp):
    def tokenize(exp):
        return exp.replace('(', ' ( ').replace(')', ' ) ').split()

    def parse(tokens):
        if len(tokens) == 0:
            raise SyntaxError('Unexpected EOF')
        token = tokens.pop(0)
        if token == '(':
            L = []
            while tokens[0] != ')':
            tokens.pop(0)  # Remove ')'
            return L
        elif token == ')':
            raise SyntaxError('Unexpected )')
                return int(token)
            except ValueError:
                return token

    def evaluate(x):
        if isinstance(x, list):
            op = x[0]
            args = x[1:]
            if op == '+':
                return sum(evaluate(arg) for arg in args)
            elif op == '*':
                result = 1
                for arg in args:
                    result *= evaluate(arg)
                return result
            elif op == 'list':
                return [evaluate(arg) for arg in args]
                # Call Python functions
                return globals()[op](*[evaluate(arg) for arg in args])
        return x

    tokens = tokenize(exp)
    return evaluate(parse(tokens))

As you can see, Unvibe has found a valid implementation. At this point, in my typical workflow, I would now add more tests and eventually let Unvibe find other solutions.


For more details, se the 🐙 GitHub Project page.

To configure unvibe, create in your project folder a .unvibe.toml file with the following example configuration. You can use your local Ollama or an OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini or DeepSeek API key.

I've found that the latest Claude works well for generating complex code, and it's also one of the cheapest and with the largest context. I've seen also all my benchmark tests pass with qwen2.5-coder:7b running locally on my Macbook via Ollama, but in general larger models are better (> 20B params). So probably, you don't want to run the LLM locally for this use, unless you have a solid GPU. To prevent the same code to be generated multiple times, you can use a cache provider. By default unvibe uses a cash on disk to prevent the same code to be generated multiple times.

# .unvibe.toml

provider = "claude"  # or "ollama", "openai", "gemini"
api_key = "sk-..."
model = "claude-3-5-haiku-20241022" # try also 'claude-3-7-sonnet-20250219'
max_tokens = 5000

#provider = "ollama"
#host = "http://localhost:11434"
#host = "http://host.docker.internal:11434" # if running from Docker
#model = "qwen2.5-coder:7b"  # try also "llama3.2:latest", "deepseek-r1:7b"

initial_spread = 10     # How many random tries to make at depth=0.
random_spread = 2       # How many random tries to make before selecting the best move.
max_depth = 30          # Maximum depth of the search tree.
max_temperature = 1     # Tries random temperatures, up to this value.
# Some models perform better at lower temps, in general
# Higher temperature = more exploration
max_minutes = 60        # Stop after 60 minutes of search.

Which models work best

The models that I've found work best, are either small coding models (~7B params), or large generic models (>20B params).

My favourite for models for Unvibe are:

Reasoning models can help sometimes, but in practice they are slower. I prefer to try my luck with small models on my Mac and then switch to Sonnet 3.7 if I don't get good results. As a future improvement it would be nice to support multiple models, and have Unvibe swap between them if the score plateaus.


By default, Unvibe runs the tests on your local machine. This is very risky, because you're running code generated by an LLM: it may try anything. In practice, most of the projects I work on, run on Docker, so I let Unvibe run wild inside a Docker container, where it can't do any harm. This is the recommended way to run Unvibe. Another practical solution is to create a new user with limited permissions on your machine, and run Unvibe as that user.

Search algorithm

There are multiple approches to search the space of possible programs. With Unvibe I tried to strike for something that works in practice without requiring a GPU cluster. The idea was that it should be practical to run it only using a Macbook and Ollama.

DeepMind's FunSearch, which was designed to find mathematical discoveries via program search, uses a variation of Genetic programming with LLMs. It splits the code generation attempts into Islands of clusters, and let the clusters evolve (via partial code substitution), and then samples from the clusters with higher scores. They basically sample from the clusters with probability = Softmax of the scores (corrected by some temperature).

FunSearch is supposed to work on large datacenters. For Unvibe instead I use currently a much simpler tree search: We start with a random initial tree spread, attempting different LLM temperatures and then, we pick the most promising nodes and try again. This is much more suitable for running on a Macbook. So you end up with a search tree that looks like this:

unvibe report UI

This is a live UI I'm working on, to explore the Search tree as it progresses. Likely coming in Unvibe v2. You can already give it a try by passing the parameter -d.


I will extend unvibe with more features soon, and I'm actively looking people to help write Typescript/Java/C#/etc. versions. Some features I'm working on:


Similar approaches have been explored in various research papers from DeepMind and Microsoft Research: